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Signs and Possible Fixes of a Tooth Decay Under a Crown

Dental crowns are an effective solution for restoring missing and damaged teeth. Unfortunately, dental crowns aren’t entirely impervious to tooth decay. Even if you take excellent care of your teeth, tooth decay can still occur. There are many reasons that tooth decay under a dental crown can develop. Poor or a lack of oral hygiene is one of the leading contributing factors to tooth decay under dental crowns.

What Are the Signs of Tooth Decay Under Dental Crowns?

There are several key indicators of potential tooth decay under dental crowns. Each of them is easily recognizable as they’re out of the norm of how your teeth should feel and function.


Infection is one of the easiest identifiable indications that there could be a problem with your dental crown. If your gums are swollen, you feel a throbbing pain when you bite down, or there’s a lot of sensitivity then there’s a pretty good chance that infection has occurred. Infections can spread fairly quickly if left untreated for too long so it’s important to seek treatment from a dental professional as soon as possible to prevent the spread and eradicate the problem.

Brown and Grey Spots in the Affected Area

Brown and grey spot formations are a distinct visual indicator of a potential infection or tooth decay under a dental crown. Spots can be visible on the white portion of a veneer, almost appearing like mould. With crowns, if there has been recession exposing the root, decay can start if plaque is allowed to build up and you would see a brown spot.

Discomfort and Sensitivity

Depending on the extent of the infection or size of the cavity, you’ll most likely feel varying levels of discomfort and sensitivity particularly when you eat or drink hot or cold items. If you’re experiencing sudden or new tooth sensitivity that wasn’t there before, then you should get your teeth checked out immediately to address potential issues.

Some discomfort and sensitivity after having just undergone a dental crown procedure is normal though. As your teeth adjust to the new structure, the initial discomfort and sensitivity should subside. Contact your dentist immediately if it persists after a few days.

Food Trapping

If you are noticing more food trapping between teeth it will allow the bacteria present to produce the acids that cause decay. As the decay progresses more food would get trapped allowing the process to worsen over time.

How to Determine if You’re Experiencing a Dental Crown Problem?

Infection, pain, swollen gums, extreme discomfort and sensitivity are all common indicators that you may be experiencing an issue with your dental crown.

Dental crowns can be made of a wide range of materials such as various metals, porcelain-fused metal, pressed ceramic, resin, or porcelain. Your dentist will usually ask if you have any specific allergies to any of these materials before commencing the dental crown treatment, so you don’t have an allergic reaction to the crown.

Why Does Tooth Decay Under Dental Crowns Occur?

Tooth decay under dental crowns can occur for a number of different reasons, including the following.

  • Lack of proper dental care. Failing to take good care of your teeth can lead to plaque and tartar buildup as well as the development of harmful bacteria that cause infection and break down your tooth structure.
  • Damaged or broken crown. A damaged crown will build up more bacteria that leads to infection and tooth decay. If your dental crown gets damaged, then it’s imperative to see a dentist immediately to repair or replace it.
  • Ill-fitting crown.Crowns that don’t fit properly can allow for harmful bacteria to build up and cause tooth decay.

How to Treat Tooth Decay Under a Dental Crown

Several effective treatment methods exist to eradicate tooth decay under a dental crown. Some of these methods are more preventative than reactive.

Schedule Regular Dental Checkups

Regardless of whether or not you’ve had any dental work done, you should be visiting the dentist at least once every four to six months for a routine checkup and dental cleaning. Through thorough dental exams, your hygienist and dentist can quickly identify abnormalities and signs of tooth decay under dental crowns and recommend appropriate treatment options.

Basic Oral Hygiene

Good oral hygiene habits start at home. To prevent tooth decay, brush your teeth twice a day and floss once every night before bed to remove stuck-on food particles. If possible, use mouthwash to kill germs and bacteria. Rinsing your mouth out with water after every meal is also a good idea.

Restore and Replace The Crown

If decay is found under a crown and it has not progressed too far a restoration may be placed to repair the decay. If the decay is too extensive you may need a dental crown replacement. Sometimes the decay has become so extensive the tooth may need to be extracted and then you can discuss your options to replace the tooth.

Also Read: What to Do When Your Crown Falls Out

Get Dental Care Treatment in Etobicoke

Located in the beautiful Kingsway community, Princeview Dental Group is proud to provide professional dental crown treatment in Etobicoke. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are always available to answer all of your questions and ensure that your needs and expectations are met. If you’re looking for reliable dental care in the GTA, feel free to contact us today to book an appointment. We’re always accepting new patients!

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