Yearly Archives: 2018

How to Maximize Your Dental Benefits before the End of the Year

Getting dental work done probably isn’t how you imagined you’d be spending your free time during the holiday season. But if you have even a little extra money left over from your annual insurance plan, then it’s worth it to make an appointment for the sake of your oral and financial health. Take full advantage…
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Cantilever Dental Bridge Treatment in Toronto

The purpose of a dental bridge is to fill in the gaps that are created by missing or lost teeth. Neglecting to fill in these gaps can lead to potentially detrimental oral health issues such as gum disease, tooth misalignment, and decay. There are many different types of dental bridge implants that dentists may employ…
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How Gaps Between Your Teeth Can Affect Your Dental Health

Diastema, otherwise known as gap tooth in layman’s terms, is a fairly common dental condition that involves having a noticeable amount of space between two or more of your teeth. Typically the two front teeth are affected, but other teeth in your mouth can also display a prominent space between them as well. Although conventional…
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Maryland Bonded Bridges in Toronto

Many people take great pride in their appearance and always try to put their best foot forward when presenting themselves to the world, but it can be difficult to do so when you’re ashamed to show off your smile because you’re missing one or more teeth. Your dentist can make several recommendations when it comes…
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