Restore Your Missing Teeth: A Guide to Tooth Agenesis Treatment

A Guide to Tooth Agenesis Treatment

Missing teeth can be more than just an embarrassment. If you are missing one or more permanent teeth due to a developmental anomaly—a condition known as tooth agenesis—you may need to undergo tooth agenesis treatment. Understanding the causes, symptoms and treatment options available for this condition is essential in navigating the path to a healthier and more confident smile. Keep reading! 

What Is Tooth Agenesis?

Tooth agenesis is a dental condition characterized by the non-development of one or more teeth due to genetics or environmental factors such as trauma to the mouth. It's often undiagnosed, until a child's expected teeth fail to appear.

We are born with both our baby teeth (deciduous dentition) and our permanent teeth within the oral cavity. Tooth agenesis occurs when one or more teeth fail to develop and erupt through the gumline. The condition can vary widely in severity, including:

  • Hypodontia:Also known as partial tooth agenesis, this involves the absence of one to six teeth, excluding third molars. It is the most common form of tooth agenesis.
  • Oligodontia: This stage of dental agenesis is identified when six or more permanent adult teeth are missing, third molars excluded.
  • Anodontia: While complete tooth agenesis is rare, it is a serious issue. It occurs when a person has no permanent teeth that develop.

Without proper treatment, tooth agenesis can cause existing teeth to shift resulting in issues with the temporomandibular joint. Tooth agenesis may make chewing and speaking difficult.

Causes of Tooth Agenesis

There are several factors that contribute to tooth agenesis ranging from genetic mutations to environmental influences. Key causes include:

  • Genetic Factors: The absence of baby teeth in children or permanent teeth in adults suggests specific gene mutations. These include genetic syndromes such as ectodermal dysplasia or congenital factors of prenatal malnutrition.
  • Environmental Factors: If no evidence supports the influence of genetic factors, there may be environmental factors or developmental conditions that play a role in tooth agenesis. Conditions affecting fetal development during pregnancy may impact tooth bud formation.
  • Injuries or Infections: Lastly, injuries or infections during tooth development can lead to missing teeth.

What Are the Symptoms of Tooth Agenesis?

The most obvious symptom of tooth agenesis involves missing teeth (either primary or permanent), however, there are a few other symptoms to keep an eye out for, specifically in children:

  • Small, peg-shaped teeth
  • Noticeable gaps and spaces between existing teeth
  • Large rectangular teeth known as taurodontic teeth
  • Challenges with chewing or speaking.
  • Facial asymmetry, particularly in severe cases.

It should be noted that tooth agenesis can be a symptom of disorders such as ectodermal dysplasia. In addition to missing teeth, ectodermal dysplasia can also cause thinning hair, nail abnormalities, poor vision, hearing loss, and a lack of sweat glands.

How Is Tooth Agenesis Diagnosed?

The diagnosis for tooth agenesis typically requires more than just a visual examination. A dentist will perform a thorough dental examination, review your medical history and order a series of imaging tests. The latter can include, dental X-rays, panoramic X-rays and a cone beam CT scan.

Genetic testing may also be performed if the missing teeth are suspected to be caused by a hereditary condition.

Effective Treatment Options for Missing Teeth Due to Tooth Agenesis

There are many effective treatment options for tooth agenesis. Following a detailed consultation with a dental professional, a general dentist in Etobicoke will determine the best course of action, depending on the number of missing teeth and the patient’s overall health.

For a full or partial replacement of missing teeth, dentures may be the solution. These are removable appliances that replace missing teeth and can be custom-made to fill in the spaces where needed. Similar to dentures, a dental bridge can also be made to accommodate where the teeth once existed.

As a large gap or missing teeth can cause the existing teeth to shift and lead to deterioration of the jawbone, dental implants are used as a permanent solution. If modifications are needed, such as to align the remaining permanent teeth, orthodontic treatments can also be used in conjunction with tooth agenesis treatment. These adjustments may include spacers to create room for implants.

Choosing the Right Treatment for Your Missing Teeth

Choosing the best treatment for your missing teeth involves considering several factors, including your age, your lifestyle, the severity of the tooth agenesis, and, of course, the cost. Certain treatments are more suitable for adults, while others may be better for children or adolescents. In addition, your daily activities and personal habits can influence the treatment choice.

Not all dental insurance policies will cover the costs of implants, bridges, or crowns. Therefore, you may need to consider other cosmetic procedures. Consulting with a professional dental team can help you narrow down the best treatment plan for you based on the severity of your tooth agenesis condition.

Managing Tooth Agenesis

As it is linked with genetic conditions, prevention is not possible. Counselling and planning considerations will be beneficial in addressing strategies for the child. Maintaining proper oral hygiene and attending regular dental check-ups help to manage the condition.

While it's challenging to prevent genetic cases of tooth agenesis, early detection and management are crucial. Regular dental check-ups can help you identify missing teeth early and good dental practices can prevent complications associated with missing teeth.

For families with a history of tooth agenesis, genetic counselling can be beneficial.

Maintaining Your Oral Hygiene: Explore Tooth Agenesis Treatment with Princeview Dental

If you have concerns about tooth agenesis, talk to the team at Princeview Dental Group. As a general dentist in Etobicoke, Dr. Janice Mummery and her team offer customized plans to treat a variety of dental conditions. We offer implants, crowns, bridges and other cosmetic dentistry services. Call us at (416)231-4562 or complete our online help form to book an appointment and consultation to take advantage of our cosmetic dentistry services in Etobicoke.

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