If you’ve just had your teeth protected and your smile enhanced with a dental bonding procedure, this article is for you. Dental bonding is a simple, painless and cost-effective procedure to treat blemishes, stains, chips and gapping in the teeth. A composite resin material is applied to the targeted area of the mouth and hardened to the teeth with use of a special light device. The resin used matches the colour of the teeth for a more natural-looking smile.
Immediate Post-Bonding Care
Knowing what to do after dental bonding can help prevent potential tooth sensitivity and extend the lifespan of the bonding material. While there is no dental bonding recovery time after a procedure, it is recommended to avoid hot and cold foods and drinks for the first few days. Use gentle strokes when brushing your teeth during this time to prevent irritation.
General Aftercare Practices
Following the care instructions from your dentist and considering the tips below you can help keep the bonding material intact and your smile looking its best for years to come.
Schedule Dental Checkups and Cleanings
While dental bonding is a long-lasting treatment for gaps in teeth and protecting the tooth from further cracking, regular dental visits are still required. Professional inspections and cleanings can help ensure there are no potential problems with weakening or damage.
In addition, dental bonding aftercare involves the same dental care as natural teeth. To protect the longevity of the dental bonding material a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste should be used.
Avoid Hard or Sticky Foods
One of the top tips for “what not to do after dental bonding” is biting down on hard or sticky foods. The composite bonding material is not as resilient as the natural tooth surface and can be damaged by force as seen when the top and lower teeth gnash together.
Foods to avoid with dental bonding include crunchy or solid food such as chips, pretzels, nuts, hard candies, taffy, gummy candy and popcorn. The structure of these foods can cause the bonding to wear down, chip or fall off.
Chew Mindfully
When eating, it is recommended to chew on the opposite side of the mouth where the dental bonding has been applied. Most bonding is done on the front portion of the mouth and chewing in this region should be kept to a minimum.
The composite resin used for dental bonding is designed to withstand regular chewing of food. But crunching on ice chips, candy and other hard surfaces can weaken and damage the bonding, reducing the protection of the underlying tooth surface.
Limit Sugary and Acidic Foods
Science has proven that acidic and sugary foods can damage the enamel of the teeth, causing small crevices to form. Consumption of certain food can darken these crevices. This type of damage can also happen to the dental bonding material.
It is important to note that many healthy foods hold a level of acidity and therefore should be enjoyed in moderation. Limit or avoid foods such as citrus fruits, pineapples, apples, jams, sauerkraut, aged cheese, sour cream and snacks with high-sugar content.
Minimize Staining Foods and Drinks
Restrict consumption of foods and beverages that can stain your teeth. Any ingredient with dark pigment can leave the bonding material discoloured the same way it stains the natural enamel of the tooth. Avoid or limit foods such as berries, tomato-based sauce, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, chocolate and candies with coloured dyes.
It is recommended to use a straw when drinking stain-causing dark beverages such as cola and to limit coffees and teas. Energy and sports drinks can also stain the dental bonding.
Restrict Smoking and Tobacco Use
Having dental bonding applied is another reason to stop using tobacco products. Aside from the toxins causing a decrease in the blood flow of the mouth, which can lead to serious oral diseases, these chemicals stain your teeth.
The material used in the bonding process may hide existing stains on teeth but cannot be “whitened” by oral products the same as the natural surface of teeth.
Stay Hydrated and Eat Healthy Diet
One of the important ways to look after dental bonding is through maintaining a healthy and balanced diet. Eating fresh fruit, vegetables and ensuring an adequate amount of protein is consumed can help keep your oral health in prime condition.
Hydration also plays a role in the health of the teeth. Drinking plenty of water daily will keep the mouth stay hydrated to fight against tooth decay and harmful bacteria. Water will help rid the mouth of food particles that remain on the teeth, gums and tongue after a meal.
What Happens If You Experience Issues with Your Dental Bonding?
Over time, the bonded area may develop a sharp or rough spot on the tooth. Consult your dentist if this occurs or if you experience any discomfort, chipping or discolouration of the tooth.
What should you do if the dental bonding comes off? Contact your local dentist as soon as possible to have a checkup and have the dental bonding repaired. There may be oral health factors that reject the use of the bonding, so talk to your dentist about your medical history.
How Long Does Dental Bonding Last?
With the right application and proper care dental bonding can last up to 10 years. This timeline for bonding depends on several factors, though, including the care of the teeth. The area within the mouth where the bonding is applied can also affect the longevity of the composite resin as any bonding near the molars can wear overtime due to chewing.
Those who grind their teeth while sleeping may want to use a night guard to protect the teeth and the dental bonding.
Princeview Dental Can Help You in Enhancing Your Smile
For natural-looking bonded teeth, see the staff at Princeview Dental Group. Our cost-effective dental bonding procedure are used for teeth that have become chipped, stained or discoloured as well as to cover small gaps between the teeth.
We offer a variety of dental services to improve your oral health and the visual appeal of your smile. Contact us at (416) 231-4562 to schedule an appointment for dental bonding.